Monthly Archives: May 2017

Spring 2017 – Week 15 Class Notes

Dear students – thank you all so much for a great year! We explored quite a bit of new ground together, and I am proud of each one of you. I have not yet graded your finals / final projects yet, but I did peek at them, and I am fairly certain that every one of you that made it to the end finished well.

I am out of town this weekend, so will not likely finish your final progress reports until next weekend, but you should know now that I only have good things to say about all of you. All of you stepped it up this last semester and did very well.

Spring 2017 – Week 14 Class Notes


This is your last week to finish your cart programs! We saw several great ones in class this week. Email me if you have any questions. Please bring your PRINTED programs to class. You should have the code printed as well as a printout of your page in action.


This week we did a transistor amplifier. Next week is the finals. It will be very similar to your last quiz, plus a few things from the previous semester.


This week we reviewed Taylor series as well as finding rotation volumes. Next week is the final – good luck!

Spring 2017 – Week 13 Class Notes


This week we covered JavaScript frameworks, specifically JQuery. As mentioned, a framework is simply a collection of predefined functions and objects that make life easier for you to help you accomplish your tasks.

In JQuery, they use a function named $ as a “magic function” which determines what it should do based on its parameters. If the first parameter is a CSS selector, it grabs all HTML elements that match that selector. If the first parameter is an HTML string, it creates HTML elements and text content to create the string. You can then do all sorts of things with the resulting values.

Information about the JQuery framework is available on the website

No homework this week – just focus on getting your cart done! It is due in class on May 17, but it wouldn’t hurt you to turn it in next week! Here’s what I would like:

  • A printout of the code
  • A printout of the cart in action (i.e., with stuff in your cart)
  • A short printed paragraph describing the cart’s operation

If you aim for being done by this Wednesday, you can ask better questions in person.


This week we started looking at BJT transistors as current amplifiers, and built a circuit where a transistor controls a motor. We even visualized the inductive kick of the motor with an LED. I will have a new chapter for you this weekend on voltage amplification, and I *think* we will do an audio amplifier next week. The last week we will have a short exam, and may do a small project in-class.


This weekend I will try to have the chapter on Taylor series done. Next week we will go over Taylor series and maybe catch up on a few loose ends.